School Opening and Safety Plan

August 17, 2020

Dear Amargosa ES/MS Parents,

I hope you and your students have had an enjoyable and relaxing summer and that your students have been able to do some independent reading as well.  With more challenges and questions than would normally be associated with the beginning of the school year (due to the COVID-19 situation) we are ready to share our plans for your students’ learning this Fall.

First, please know that all of our staff are eagerly looking forward to the return of our students.  In addition, student and staff health and safety is our primary concern. We are confident that with the social distancing and other safety requirements of the CDC, as well as from our governor and other state officials, we will be able to open school on Monday, August 24th with a Face-to Face Model.  From our parent surveys and other home/school communication, we have determined that we will be able to have all of our students come to school each day on a modified schedule.  That schedule will be displayed below.  Over 90% of our students (through the parent survey) have elected to participate in this model.  Our teachers also will serve the students who have elected to use the Distance Only Model.

In order to use the Face-to-Face Model, our students will need to wear masks 100% of the time during school and when riding the school buses. They will also need to maintain social distancing of at least three feet.  This is critical in maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment for all.  Breakfast and lunch will be served to all of our students in their classrooms and only one class of students will have recess at a time.

For our students to select the Distance Learning Model, meaning they will learn only through online instruction and activities, they will need to have access to the internet at home with excellent connectivity.  That would include having a router with the bandwidth to serve multiple devices at once.  It is very important that students and parents understand that students will be working independently from home (with online teacher support) on these assignments and activities and that they (the assignments) will need to be completed fully and regularly according to the schedule set by the teachers.

Our Face-to Face Schedule (All Students Everyday)

8:00 – 8:15                          Breakfast in Classrooms

8:15 – 12:45                        Elementary Academic Block – Middle School has a Four-Period Schedule

12:45 – 1:05                        Lunch in Classrooms

1:05                                       Students Board Buses to return home

Please do not hesitate to contact me at or 775-372-5324 about any questions or concerns that you may have.


Chuck Fannin,  Amargosa ES/MS Principal

***The Learning Model for all students is subject to change at any time depending on the Governor’s guidelines.  Also, see associated Facebook and Amargosa Website article on Covid-19 Health and Safety Expectations.