Annual Testing

Dear Parents,

I am happy to report that we are five weeks into the school year and our students and teachers are really hitting their stride.  When I visit classes, I see high student engagement and a wonderful and effective learning environment for all our students.

Today all of our elementary and middle school students will bring home the letter sent home annually announcing and describing the state mandated tests.  At the elementary level these tests are the Brigance, NWEA MAPS, SBAC, WIDA, and NAEP.  At the middle level, the tests that are taken are the NWEA MAPS, SBAC, WIDA, and NAEP.  Prior to each of these tests being given, an announcement will be sent out on our school website, as well as on our School FaceBook page.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions about these state assessments.

In addition, our middle school teachers are planning to send out the Parent Survey online through Survey Monkey later today.  If you have already completed the survey for your elementary student/s, you do not need to complete the online survey mentioned above for any of your middle school students.  We only need to have one completed survey per family.  The hard copy surveys that were sent out last week are due back to your student’s teacher/s by tomorrow at 4:00 P.M.  The online Survey Monkey surveys are due back by 12:00 Noon on Thursday, October 1st.  We appreciate your willingness to participate in these surveys.

Finally, I would like to send out one last invitation to all of you to join us in our cafeteria tomorrow night (Tuesday, September 29) for our Family Engagement Meeting.  Some of the items that we will discuss and address are Covid-19 protocols and concerns, our Title 1 status and what that means for our students, our focus on school-wide literacy and how parents can support that at home, and activities  we can plan to build our school climate and to strengthen partnerships with you, our parents.


Chuck Fannin

Amargosa Schools Principal