Amargosa Valley School Closure Chromebook Drop-off and Meals Distribution Update
Amargosa Valley School Parents:
Due to the closure of school next week as a result of Covid-19 exposure to students and staff, we will be moving to a ‘Learning at a Distance Model’ of education. This will require that your students have their Chromebooks at home with them this next week. You will need to come to the school on Monday between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM to sign out and to pick them up. For those who cannot pick them up on Monday, we will have another opportunity to pick up on Tuesday from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Please wait in your car until one of the paraprofessional aides or teachers signals for you to come up to the chromebook distribution tables. Also, please make sure that you are wearing a facemask as you approach the tables.
Please let our school secretary, Leah Dibben ( know if you do not have internet access at your home.
In addition, our Lunchroom Staff will prepare and distribute lunch to our students at the following locations at the listed times below Monday through Thursday next week:
11:00 AM – Martell’s Market
11:30 AM – Dairy / GRanch
12:00 PM – Post Office
12:30 PM-- School
*Friday’s meal will be provided along with the Thursday’s meal.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the school closure, the Chromebook pick-up process, or meals distribution at or 775-372-5324.
Chuck Fannin, Amargosa Valley School Principal